Preliminaries; Contents; Acknowledgements; Glossary; About this book; Note on the second edition; 1 Properties of foods and processing theory; 2 Process control; 3 Raw material preparation; 4 Size reduction; 5 Mixing and forming; 6 Separation and concentration of food components; 7 Fermentation and enzyme technology; 8 Irradiation; 9 Processing using electric fields high hydrostatic pressure light or ultrasound; 10 Blanching; 11 Pasteurisation; 12 Heat sterilisation; 13 Evaporation and distillation; 14 Extrusion; 15 Dehydration; 16 Baking and roasting; 17 Frying.
This book is split into five parts in which unit operations are grouped according to the nature of the heat transfer that takes place. Each chapter describes the theoretical and practical aspects of the unit operation including the formula required for calculation of processing parameters, sample problems, and the effects on sensory characteristics and nutritional properties of selected foods.