A critical human ecology perspective on rural ageing / Norah Keating and Judith Phillips -- Crossing borders : lifecourse, rural ageing and disability / Tamara Daly and Gordon Grant -- Rurality and ageing well : 'a long time here' / Sherry Ann Chapman and Sheila Peace -- The evolution of networks of rural older adults / G. Clare Wenger and Norah Keating -- Distance, privacy and independence : rural homecare / Joanie Sims-Gould and Anne Martin-Matthews -- Respite for rural and remote caregivers / Neena L. Chappell, Bonnie Schroeder and Michelle Gibbens -- Ageing, disability and participation / Janet Fast and Jenny de Jong Gierveld -- Participation in rural contexts : community matters / Julia Rozanova, Donna Dosman and Jenny de Jong Gierveld -- Staying connected : issues of mobility of older rural adults / Bonnie Dobbs and Laurel Strain -- Ageing and social excluion in rural communties / Thomas Scharf and Bernadette Bartlam -- Age-friendly rural communities / Jacquie Eales, Janice Keefe and Norah Keating -- Revisiting rural ageing / Norah Keating.
This important book addresses a growing international interest in 'age-friendly' communities, examining the conflicting stereotypes of rural communities as either idyllic and supportive or isolated and bereft of services.