The package -- The old man -- Your free will -- God's free will -- Science -- Where is free will located? -- Genuine belief -- Road maps -- Delusion generator -- Reincarnation, UFOs, and God -- God's motivation -- God's debris -- God's consciousness -- Physics of God-dust -- Free will of a penny -- Evolution -- Skeptics' disease -- ESP and luck -- ESP and pattern recognition -- Light -- Curious bees -- Willpower -- Holy lands -- Fighting God -- Relationships -- Affirmations -- Fifth level -- Going home -- After the war.
God's debris is the first non-Dilbert, non-humor book by Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert. Imagine that you meet a very old man who--you eventually realize--knows literally everything. Imagine that he explains for you the great mysteries of life: quantum physics, evolution, God, gravity, light, psychic phenomenon, and probability--in a way so simple, so novel, and so compelling that it all fits together and makes perfect sense. What does it feel like suddenly to understand everything?