Introduction -- gender and the OMC / Fiona Beveridge and Samantha Velluti -- Implementing gender equality and mainstreaming in an enlarged European Union : prospects and challenges / Fiona Beveridge -- Employment policy, women's labour market activation and demographic trends / Roberta Guerrina -- The European employment strategy and the Europeanization of gender equality in employment / Ayse Idil Aybars -- The OMC and the EEC : broadening the possibilities for gender equality? / Julia S. O' Connor -- The OMC, gender policy and the experience of Poland as a new member state / Malgorzata Fuszara -- OMC in the context of EU gender policy from the point of view of new EU member states / Kristina Koldinska -- Gender equality and mainstreaming in the re-articulation of labour market policies in Denmark and Italy / Samantha Velluti -- Is the OMC a provider of political tools to promote gender mainstreaming? / Amparo Serrano Pascual -- Gender and the OMC : conclusions and prospects / Fiona Beveridge and Samantha Velluti.
Containing contributions by some of the best known researchers in the field, this volume draws on a range of disciplinary perspectives to examine the effectiveness of the Open Method of Coordination as a medium for the advancement of gender equality within the EU.
Gender and the open method of coordination.
Equality before the law-- European Union countries.
Sex discrimination-- Law and legislation-- European Union countries.