History of CREative ACTing -- Section 1. Curtain raiser. Struggle for control in a confused world ; Need for security and freedom ; Proposed plan of resolution -- Section 2. The production. The setting ; The cast ; Preparation for performance ; Rehearsal -- Section 3. The performance. Exemplar : the Franciscan CRE-ACT school ; Performance areas ; Curtain call -- Section 4. Implications for the future. The sequel.
This book shows how CRE-ACT (CREative ACTing) uses theatrical skills to help students learn the core curriculum while expressing themselves in creative ways. CRE-ACT is a form of Creative Dramatics, which emphasizes improvisation, and can be used to stimulate students' imaginations, heighten language, listening and research skills, and encourage critical thinking.
Roadmap to education
Art in education.
Arts-- Study and teaching (Elementary)
Creative thinking in children-- Study and teaching.
Drama in education-- Study and teaching (Elementary)
Improvisation in art-- Study and teaching.
Interdisciplinary approach in education.
Art in education.
Arts-- Study and teaching (Elementary)
Creative thinking in children-- Study and teaching.
Drama in education-- Study and teaching (Elementary)