Includes bibliographical references (pages 375-408) and indexes.
Introduction / by Steve Mason -- Josephus : interpretation and history -- Josephus as authority for first-century Judea -- Of audience and meaning : reading Josephus's Judean War in the context of a Flavian audience -- Figured speech and irony in T. Flavius Josephus -- Contradiction or counterpoint? : Josephus and historical method -- Josephus and Judea -- Jews, Judeans, judaizing, Judaism : problems of categorization in ancient history -- Pharisees in the narratives of Josephus -- The philosophy of Josephus's Pharisees -- The Essenes of Josephus's Judean War : from story to history -- Christian origins -- Paul's announcement : "good news" and its detractors in earliest Christianity -- "For I am not ashamed of the Gospel" (Rom. 1:16) : the Gospel and the first readers of Romans -- Chief priests, Sadducees, Pharisees, and Sanhedrin in Luke-Acts and Josephus.
Throughout Christian history, the works of Josephus have been mined for the light they shed on the world of the New Testament. This collection of essays focuses on threads in the first-century Jewish historian and apologist's works that are of particular interest to those studying Christianity.
Josephus, Flavius.
Josèphe, Flavius.
Flavius Josèphe,(0038?-0100?)
Josephus Flavius.
Josephus Flavius.
Josephus, Flavius, 37-100
Josephus, Flavius,ca. 37-ca. 100.
Josephus, Flavius.
Josephus, Flavius.
Josephus, Flavius.
Gesamtverband Jüdischer Hochschüler Judäa
Christianity-- Origin-- Historiography.
Church history-- Primitive and early church, ca. 30-600-- Historiography.