List of Illustrations; Acknowledgments; Editor's Introduction; Memorias Sobre la Historia de California, with ThomasSavage's Introduction; CHAPTER 1; The Life of Soldados de Cuera at the Presidio of SanFrancisco; CHAPTER 2; Lorenzo Asisara and José María Amador's Accountsof the Death of Father Andrés Quintana; CHAPTER 3; Amador and Asisara's Views of Life in CaliforniaDuring the Mexican Republic; CHAPTER 4; José María Amador's Other Remembrances; Glossary; Bibliography; Index.
In the early 1870s, Hubert H. Bancroft recorded memoirs of early Californios, among them 83-year-old Don Jose Maria Amador, and his friend Lorenzo Asisara. Gregorio Mora-Torres presents their voices in English translation (with annotations) and in the original Spanish on facing pages.
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