Understanding mergers and acquisitions : corporate governance and regulatory issues / Greg N. Gregoriou and Luc Renneboog -- The effect of merger laws on merger activity : international evidence / Arturo Bris, Christos Cabolis, and Vanessa Janowski -- The governance motive in cross-border mergers and acquisitions / Stefano Rossi and Paolo Volpin -- Corporate governance convergence through cross-border mergers : the case of Aventis / Arturo Bris and Christos Cabolis -- Whither hostility? / William W. Bratton -- Corporate governance and acquisitions : acquirer wealth effects in the Netherlands / Abe de Jong, Marieke van der Poel, and Michiel Wolfswinkel -- European Union takeover regulation and the one-share one-vote controversy / Arman Khachaturyan and Joseph A. McCahery -- Opportunities in the merger and acquisition aftermarket : squeezing out and selling out / Christoph Van der Elst and Lientje Van den Steen -- Valuation methods and German merger practice / Wolfgang Breuer, Martin Jonas, and Klaus Mark -- Share buybacks, institutional investors, and corporate control / Paul U. Ali.
Corporate Governance and regulatory presssures have been much in the news lately. How they affect the bottom line of corporations has been difficult to quantify, and research is just beginning to be published that addresses this crucial question. This book is the first collection of new research about the impact of takeover regulation and corporate governance on M & A financial results. It will be essential reading to any M & A specialist, an investment banker, a hedge fund manager, a private equity director, or a venture capitalist. Also a must read for financial analysts who follow M & A targets. The book presents research from around the world so it provides a global perspective on this important topic. *The first and only book of research on takeover regulation and corporate governance affecting M & A results *Stands out from all the "How to" books on M & A and M & A disaster books because it provides solid high-quality research on what works and how different decisions affect company and shareholder value *Research provides a guideline for decisionmakers in investment banks, private equity companies, and for financial analysts.
Elsevier Science & Technology
Corporate governance and regulatory impact on mergers and acquisitions.
Consolidation and merger of corporations-- Law and legislation.
Consolidation and merger of corporations.
Corporate governance-- Law and legislation.
Corporate governance.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS-- Mergers & Acquisitions.
Consolidation and merger of corporations-- Law and legislation.