UNU/INTECH studies in new technology and development,
1359-7922 ;
"Published in association with the UNU Press."
Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. A political approach to science and technology policy in Latin America / Maria Ines Bastos and Charles Cooper -- 2. Argentina: science, technology and public policies / Jose Nun -- 3. State autonomy and capacity for S & T policy design and implementation in Brazil / Maria Ines Bastos -- 4. Harnessing the politics of science and technology policy in Mexico / Alejandro Nadal Egea -- 5. A sectoral approach to changing technological behaviour: weaknesses of Argentina's electronics and informatics policy / Hugo Jorge Nochteff -- 6. The political economy of technology development: the case of the Brazilian Informatics Policy / Fabio Stefano Erber -- 7. Politics, the state and policies for science and technology in Latin America / Maria Ines Bastos and Charles Cooper.
This collection explores technology policy in Latin America during the 1970s and 1980s. Based on country and industry studies in the main Latin American economies it examines the political turmoil surrounding protected industrialization.