The quick trip : eighty percent of shopper time is wasted -- Three moments of truth and three currencies -- In-store migration patterns : where shoppers go and what they do -- Active retailing : putting products into the path of shoppers -- Brands, retailers, and shoppers : why the long tail is wagging the dog -- The quick trip paradox : an interview with Unilever's Mike Twitty -- Integrating online and offline retailing : an interview with professors Peter Fader (the Wharton School) and Wendy Moe (University of Maryland) -- Multicultural retailing : an interview with Emil Morales, senior vice president of TNS Multicultural -- Insights into action : a retailer responds : an interview with Mark Heckman of Marsh Supermarkets -- Conclusions : the Internet goes shopping.
In this book, the author uncovers the truth about the retail shopper and rips away the myths and mistakes that lead retailers to miss their greatest opportunities. He reveals how consumers actually behave, move and make buying decisions. He presents powerful, tested strategies for increasing sales and designing more effective stores.