Preface; Workshop Participants; About the Editors and Contributors; Acknowledgments; Abbreviations; 1 Health Investments and Economic Growth: Macroeconomic Evidence and Microeconomic Foundations; Figures; 2 Health and Economic Growth: Policy Reports and the Making of Policy; Tables; 3 Population Health and Economic Growth; 4 Disease and Development: The Effect of Life Expectancy on Economic Growth; 5 Disease and Development: Evidence from Hookworm Eradication in the American South; 6 Early Life Nutrition and Subsequent Education, Health, Wage, and Intergenerational Effects; Index.
This book containes a series of "state of the art" essays on topics related to health and growth. The Commission on Growth and Development (CGD)--in preparing its own Growth Report--wished to take stock of the current state of knowledge and understanding of economic growth, and thus commissioned a series of essays on a range of thematic areas. One such area is health. The following questions are discussed in the book:Does investing in health raise economic growth? Can governments achieve rapid growth or high incomes without investing in health? What are the options and benefits of different an.