Messianic expectations in the early postexilic period /
Wolter H. Rose.
Sheffield, England :
Sheffield Academic Press,
1 online resource (285 pages).
Journal for the study of the Old Testament. Supplement series ;
Includes bibliographical references (pages 252-270) and indexes.
Acknowledgments; Abbreviations; Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION -- NO KING IN YEHUD; Chapter 2 ZEMAH AND THE PRIEST(S); Chapter 3 WHAT'S IN A NAME? -- THE MEANING OF [Omitted]; Chapter 4 A CASE OF MISTAKEN IDENTITY -- WHO IS ZEMAH?; Chapter 5 VISIONS AND ORACLES -- ON THE ORIGIN AND COMPOSITION OF ZECHARIAH 3.8-10 AND 6.9-15; Chapter 6 THE TWO SONS OF OIL WHO STAND BY THE LORD OF THE WHOLE EARTH; Chapter 7 ZERUBABBEL LIKE A SEAL (HAGGAI 2.20-23); Chapter 8 CONCLUSIONS; Bibliography; Index of References; Index of Authors.
It has often been argued that Zerubbabel, the Jewish governor of Yehud at the time of the rebuilding of the temple (late 6th century BCE), was viewed by the prophets Haggai and Zechariah as the new king in the line of David. In this new study, Rose offers a contrary proposal for the interpretation of the oracles in Haggai 2 and Zechariah 3 and 6. He traces their background in the pre-exilic prophets, pays special attention to often neglected details of semantics and metaphor, and concludes that neither Haggai nor Zechariah designated Zerubbabel as the new king in Jerusalem. Instead, the oracle.
Zemah and Zerubbabel.
Bible., Haggai-- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Bible., Old Testament-- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Bible., Zechariah-- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Bible., Zechariah.
Bible., A.T.-- Critique, interprétation, etc.
Bible., A.T., Aggée-- Critique, interprétation, etc.