Revised edition of: New master guide to income property brokerage. c1984.
Introduction : your golden opportunity for big new commissions and profits in income property brokerage -- Ch. 1. How to profit most from different types of income property -- Ch. 2. Five quick ways to find property owners who will sell -- Ch. 3. Turning your leads into listings that sell -- Ch. 4. How to use today's new and ingenious ways to finance income property -- Ch. 5. How to price income property to sell quickly -- Ch. 6. Setting up operating statements that promote sales -- Ch. 7. How to present the unique benefits of investing in income property -- Ch. 8. Thirteen immediate sources of buyers -- and how to approach them -- Ch. 9. Proven techniques for qualifying buyers -- Ch. 10. How to advertise income property -- and make it pay off big -- Ch. 11. How to show income properties for fast-action sales -- Ch. 12. How to master the fine points of selling income property -- Ch. 13. Condominium conversion : an exciting wealth-builder -- Ch. 14. How to sell like a giant using cyberspace tools -- Ch. 15. How to make a final presentation that clinches the sale -- Ch. 16. How to keep the ball rolling and put these profitable techniques into action now
This revised book shows how real estate brokers and sales associates make big commissions by selling commercial income properties. Generic material has been updated, including new examples and updated photos. There are new finance and tax sections. To reflect today's changing environment, there is a new chapter on Internet marketing.