What exactly is business research? -- Making sure you understand what you're researching -- Choosing the right method of research -- Getting started with your research -- Identifying the kind of information you'll need -- Using the library for your research -- Pick up the phone and start dialing -- Take a walk down the hallway -- Get on the 'Net -- Mail and telephone surveys -- Conducting a great interview -- Focus groups -- Digging in: sometimes you've got to roll up your sleeves -- When do you need to consider outside help? -- What does all this data mean? -- Figuring out where and how to store information -- Show me the information -- Even if your results are boring, your presentation doesn't have to be -- Tying it together: measuring the success of your business research project -- Here's how it works -- Appendix: Additional resources.
Illustrates how good research is essential to success in the workplace. Covers the most effective methods of conducting research, with tips on locating the best sources of information. Provides information for students and professionals on information gathering and evaluation skills including boolean search strategies, use of keywords and subject headings, pre-search inventory assessments, and other techniques.