Introduction -- Biographical sketch -- The story behind the story -- List of characters -- Summary and analysis -- Critical views: Eleanor Cook on maps of The waste land -- Louis Menand on nineteenth century style -- Sandra M. Gilbert on Eliot's Mourning of a friend -- Michael Levenson on Eliot's views of postwar London -- Juan A. Suarez on the meaning of the gramophone -- Shawn R. Tucker on anxiety in The waste land -- Thomas Dilworth on sex between the typist and the young man -- Camelia Elias and Bent Soerensen on the influence of Ovid -- Works by T.S. Eliot -- Annotated bibliography -- Contributors.
An overview of the work features a biographical sketch of the author, a summary of the poem, and critical and analytical views of the work.
Waste land
Eliot, T. S., (Thomas Stearns),1888-1965., Waste land.
Eliot, T. S., (Thomas Stearns),1888-1965., Waste land.
Eliot, Thomas S., ((The)) waste land.
Waste land (Eliot, T. S.)
Eliot, T. S. (Thomas Stearns), 1888-1965-- Waste land.