Science education: global or national / John Gilbert -- pt. 1. Some pressures being exerted on science education. Globalization and education: an introduction / Nicholas C. Burbules and Carlos Alberto Torres -- Science education and economic development: trends, relationships, and research agenda / Gili S. Drori -- Scientific literacy / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development -- pt. 2. Maintaining a continuity of achievement in science education. Conceptual change- a powerful framework for improving science teaching and learning / Reinders Duit and David F. Treagust -- Teacher talk and meaning making in science classrooms: a Vygotskian analysis and review / Philip Scott -- The place of argumentation in the pedagogy of school science / Paul Newton, Rosalind Driver and Jonathan Osborne -- Interactive multimedia and model-based learning in biology / Barbara C. Buckley -- pt. 3. Trends in science education at national level. Science communication with the public: a cross-cultural event / G.S. Aikenhead -- The interaction of students' scientific and religious discourses: two case studies / Wolff-Michael Roth and Todd Alexander -- Purposes for assessment / P. Black -- pt. 4. Some initiatives from within science education. Time for action: science education for an alternative future / Derek Hodson -- Mutualism: a different agenda for environmental and science education / Annette Gough -- pt. 5. Managing change in science education. Planning, doing, and coping with change / M. Fullan -- A model for achieving teacher development / B. Bell and John Gilbert.
"This reader brings together a wide range of material to present an international perspective on topical issues in science education today. In order to identify what themes should be addressed in the book, 38 science educators from around the world responded to the question: 'What issues are currently important in science education in your country?'" "With a specially written introduction from the editor, providing a much-needed, context to the current education climate, students of science education will find this reader an important route map to further reading and understanding."--Jacket.