First-time Student Experiences -- At the Bedside -- What if ... A patient or patient's family thinks you're a real doctor? -- You feel faint at the bedside or in the operating room? -- The first patient you're assigned to examine refuses? -- Your patient doesn't speak English? -- Your patient is violent? -- You have to assist in an operation you've never seen before? -- Your family member is diagnosed with cancer at your own facility? -- You're examining your first deaf patient? -- You're examining your first blind patient? -- On the Hot Seat What if ... You're being one-upped by another student during rounds? -- You're asked by a senior clinician, "Have you ever seen one of these done before? -- You're on the "hot seat" during morning rounds with a professor, attending physician, or other senior clinician? -- You feel the way that a colleague speaks to or about patients is inappropriate? -- You're faced with a tyrannical colleague? -- Student Life What if ... It's your first day in class or your residency and you feel your acceptance was an error and you don't belong there? -- You have been up too many hours and are have trouble thinking? -- You're failing or failed a course in medical school? -- Emergency Health Care What if ... You're starting an IV and the catheter breaks off in the vein? -- You get stuck with a dirty needle? -- A patient has a cockroach or similar insect in her ear canal? -- A patient, friend, or family member has a tick burrowed into his skin? -- You're examining a patient in the Emergency Department and you discover a gun tucked into his waistband (belt)? -- You're resuscitating a patient in a hospital and there is a gunman loose in the hallways? -- Your morbidly obese patient needs a venous cutdown or other invasive procedure? -- In the Field What if ... Someone collapses at a social function you're attending? -- You have to deliver a baby outside the hospital? -- The baby you just delivered outside the hospital isn't breathing? -- You're present at an automobile accident? -- A dinner guest is choking? -- You need to help someone who's a lawyer? -- You're asked to use an AED in an airplane or other public space? -- You encounter an unanticipated allergic reaction? -- Your companion has a nosebleed that won't stop? -- Your friend has a foreign body in the eye? -- One-on-One Encounters Patient What if ... A patient makes a sexual advance toward you? -- A patient of the opposite sex doesn't want you in the exam room? -- You have to give a patient bad news? -- A patient or family member asks you tough questions that you aren't sure how to answer? -- You think a patient is faking? -- You're developing inappropriate feelings toward a patient such as anger or attachment? -- A patient is highly fearful of needles? -- A patient threatens your life? -- Your patient is upset with the care you're providing? -- You have to say "no" to a patient's request? -- A patient refuses treatment? -- A patient is a herpetophile and brings a pet snake into the exam room? -- Family or Friends What if ... You have to give a family very bad news? -- The presence of a young child's parents is getting in the way? -- You think a pediatric patient is a victim of abuse? -- You make a mistake with a patient? -- There is a bad outcome to a labor and delivery that you were involved with? -- Faraway Adventures Wilderness What if ... You're miles from help on a mountain trail and you or your companion suffers a serious injury? -- Your hiking companion suffers a shoulder dislocation? -- You're hiking or skiing at high altitude and you or your companion shows signs of severe altitude sickness? -- Your hiking companion says, "I just can't go any further"? -- You need to care for a snakebite victim on a mountain trail? -- You have a close encounter with a bat? -- You're lost in the mountains and out of water? -- You're stranded overnight or longer? -- You're getting frostbite? -- Your friend is struck by lightning? -- Your friend suffers a fracture on a mountain trail? -- You're trapped by an avalanche? -- Your friend is attacked by a wild animal? -- Deep Blue Sea What if ... You or a friend gets a jellyfish sting? -- Your diving companion has severe tooth pain? -- Your diving companion has severe vertigo? -- Your diving companion has subconjunctival hemorrhages? -- Your diving companion becomes ill the day after diving? -- You or a friend falls through the ice? -- International What if ... You or your friend develops diarrhea in a foreign country?
What if ... you're starting an IV and the catheter breaks off in the vein? A patient has a gun tucked in his waistband? Anticipating stressful, dangerous, or unusual situations, this reference answers the questions you need to know ... but may be afraid to ask. It gives you step-by-step instructions explaining how to be prepared for the unexpected.