"The book arose largely from a number of workshops organised as part of an EPSRC ... network on 'Operation of power systems with significant wind power import' ... later known simply as BLOWING (Bringing Large-scale Operation of Wind power Into Networks and Grids)"--Page x.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 259-268) and index.
Introduction: Overview ; World energy and climate change ; Wind energy ; Design options ; Wind farms ; Economics ; Integration and variability: key issues ; Future developments -- Power system fundamentals: Introduction ; Basic principles ; AC power supply ; Introduction to power systems ; Power transmission -- Wind power technology: Introduction ; Historical review of wind power technology ; Design choices for large wind turbine generators ; Energy extraction and power regulation ; Fixed-speed wind turbines ; Variable-speed wind turbines -- Network integration of wind power: Introduction ; Wind farm starting ; Network voltage management ; Thermal/active power management ; Network power quality management ; Transient system performance ; Fault level issues ; Information ; Protection -- Operation of power systems: Introduction ; Load-frequency control ; System operation with wind power ; Energy storage/flexible load management -- Wind power forecasting: Introduction ; Meteorological background ; Numerical weather prediction ; Persistence forecasting ; Advanced wind power forecasting systems ; Conclusions -- Wind power and electricity markets: Introduction ; The electrical energy market ; Balancing, capacity, and ancillary services ; Support mechanisms ; Costs ; Investment and risk ; The future -- Appendix: FACTS technology.
The rapid growth of wind power and the implications of this on future power system planning, operation and control has become an even greater challenge in today's liberated electricity market conditions. This essential new book examines the main problems of wind power integration and guides the reader through a number of the most recent solutions based on current research and operational experience of wind power integration.
Knovel Corporation
Wind power integration.
Wind power.
Wind power.
TEC-- 007000
Fox, Brendan.
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.