On allergy and allergic reactions -- Epidemiology of allergic diseases in Asia -- The allergens -- Asthma in children -- Allergy of upper airways--allergic rhinitis, allergic rhino-sinusitis and allergic conjunctivitis -- Eczema or atopic dermatitis -- Urticaria and angioedema -- Food allergy -- Drug allergy -- Severe allergic reactions: what can we do? -- Diagnosis and management of allergic diseases -- General conclusion--the future of allergic diseases in children -- Common questions asked by parents on allergy.
The purpose of this book is to share information and knowledge on allergic disorders in children with everybody, especially parents. Allergies in children are a common and growing problem. From the author's experience, many parents lack correct information on allergy. This has led to wrong approaches in dealing with the problem, with some parents experimenting with all kinds of non-scientifically proven testing and treatments. Sometimes these treatments can be harmful for the child. The book comprises twelve chapters, each covering a specific aspect of allergy in children. The first part cover.