edited by Malcolm Johnson ; Association with Vern L. Bengtson, Peter G. Coleman, Thomas B.L. Kirkwood.
New York :
Cambridge University Press,
1 online resource (xxvi, 744 pages) :
Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology
Includes bibliographical references and index.
The problem of theory in gerontology today / Vern L. Bengston, Norella M. Putney and Malcolm L. Johnson -- Ageing and changing : international historical perspectives on ageing / W. Andrew Achenbaum -- Global ageing : the demographic revolution in all cultures and societies / Alexandre Kalache, Sandhi Maria Barreto and Ingrid Keller -- The psychological science of human ageing / Paul B. Baltes, Alexandra M. Freund and Shu-Chen Li -- The biological science of human ageing / Thomas B.L. Kirkwood -- Biodemography and epidemiology of longevity / Bernard Jeune and Kaare Christensen -- The epidemiology of ageing / Christina Victor -- Patterns of illness and mortality across the adult lifespan / Edlira Gjonça and Michael Marmot -- Sensory impairment / Tom H. Margrain and Mike Boulton -- Mobility and falls / Rose Anne Kenny -- The genetics of behavioural ageing / Gerald E. McClearn and Stephen A. Petrill -- Psychodynamic approaches to the lifecourse and ageing / Simon Biggs -- Cultural approaches to the ageing body / Chris Gilleard -- Promoting health and wellbeing in later life / Hannes B. Staehelin -- Psychological approaches to human development / Jutta Heckhausen -- Cognitive changes across the lifespan / Pat Rabbitt -- Age-related changes in memory / Elizabeth A. Maylor -- Intelligence and wisdom / Robert J. Sternberg and Elena L. Grigorenko -- Everyday competence in older adults / K. Warner Schaie, Julie B. Boron and Sherry L. Willis -- The psychology of emotions and ageing / Gisela Labouvie-Vief -- Personality and ageing / Ursula M. Staudinger -- Depression / Amy Fiske and Randi S. Jones -- Dementia / Bob Woods -- Dementia in an Asian context / Jinzhou Tian -- Self and identity / Freya Dittmann-Kohli -- Stress and coping / Linda K. George -- Reminiscence : developmental, social and clinical perspectives / Peter G. Coleman -- The social worlds of old age / Jaber F. Gubrium -- Listening to the past : reminiscence and oral history / Joanna Bornat -- Elder abuse in developing nations / Lia Susana Daichman -- The self in dementia / Steven R. Sabat -- Ageism / Bill Bytheway -- Profiles of the oldest-old / Leonard W. Poon [and others] -- Images of ageing : cultural representations of later life / Mike Featherstone and Mike Hepworth -- Religion, spirituality, and older people / Alfons Marcoen -- Quality of life and ageing / Svein Olav Daatland -- The transformation of dying in old societies / Clive Seale -- The psychology of death / Robert A. Neimeyer and James L. Werth, Jr. -- Death and spirituality / Elizabeth MacKinlay -- Global ageing and challenges to families / Ariela Lowenstein -- Ageing parents and adult children : new perspectives on intergenerational relationships / Roseann Giarrusso [and others] -- Grandparenthood / Sarah Harper -- Sibling ties across time : the middle and later years / Ingrid Arnet Connidis -- Filial piety in changing Asian societies / Akiko Hashimoto and Charlotte Ikels -- Generational memory and family relationships / Claudine Attias-Donfut and François-Charles Wolff -- Family caregivers : increasing demands in the context of 21st-century globalization? / Neena L. Chappell and Margaret J. Penning -- Network dynamics in later life / Fleur Thomése [and others] -- Changing family relationships in developing nations / Isabella Aboderin -- Ethnic diversity in ageing, multicultural societies / James S. Jackson [and others] -- Gay and lesbian elders / Katherine R. Allen -- The lifecourse perspective on ageing : linked lives, timing and history / Vern L. Bengston, Glen H. Elder Jr. and Norella M. Putney -- The political economy of old age / Chris Phillipson -- Moral economy and ageing / Jon Hendricks -- Generational changes and generational equity / Martin Kohli -- Gender dimensions of the age shift / Sara Arber and Jay Ginn -- Migration and older people / Charles F. Longino Jr. and Anthony M. Warnes -- Do longevity and health generate wealth? / Robert N. Butler -- Women, ageing and inequality : a feminist perspective / Carroll L. Estes -- The social construction of old age as a problem / Malcolm L. Johnson -- Restructuring the lifecourse : work and retirement / Victor W. Marshall and Philip Taylor -- Ethical dilemmas in old age care / Harry R. Moody -- Wealth, health, and ageing : the multiple modern complexities of financial gerontology / Neal E. Cutler -- Formal and informal community care for older adults / Demi Patsios and Adam Davey -- Health policy and old age : an international review / Jill Quadagno, Jennifer Reid Keene and Debra Street -- Gerontological nursing : the state of the art / Brendan McCormack -- Delivering effective social/long term care to older people / Bleddyn Davies -- Delivering care to older people at home / Kristina Larsson, Merril Silverstein and Mats Thorslund -- Long term care / Robert L. Kane and Rosalie A. Kane -- Managed care in the United States and United Kingdom / Robert L. Kane and Clive E. Bowman -- Healthcare rationing : is age a proper criterion? / Ruud Ter Meulen and Josy Ubachs-Moust -- Adaptation to new technologies / Neil Charness and Sara J. Czaja -- Ageing and public policy in ethnically diverse societies / Fernando M. Torres-Gil.
A state-of-the-art guide to the current body of knowledge, theory, policy and practice of age researchers and gerontologists around the world. While the main focus of the book is the behavioural and social sciences, it provides comprehensive, accessible and authoritative accounts of all the key topics in the field.