Royal Navy Lieutenant St Vincent Halfhyde is once again despatched to Africa. This time his mission is to help capture a British traitor who carries secret blueprints of British warships. Even the threat of flesh-eating ants and the snapping jaws of a crocodile can't stop him from tackling his mission with British sang-froid and Victorian pluck.
OverDrive, Inc.
Halfhyde and the guns of arrest.
Guns of arrest
British-- Africa, Fiction.
Espionage, German-- Great Britain, Fiction.
Halfhyde, St. Vincent (Fictitious character), Fiction.
Traitors, Fiction.
Espionage, German.
FICTION-- Historical.
FICTION-- Sea Stories.
Halfhyde, St. Vincent (Fictitious character)
Great Britain, History, Naval, 20th century, Fiction.