"Proceedings of the OECD Forum 'Statistics, knowledge and policy : world forum on key indicators' November 2004"--Page 4 of cover.
Includes bibliographical references.
The First World Forum on Key Indicators / Enrico Giovannini -- The ECB's use of statistics and other information for monetary policy / Jean-Claude Trichet -- Key national indicator systems : an opportunity to maximize national progress and strengthen accountability / David M. Walker -- Building knowledge / Donald J. Johnston -- Developing key national indicators for the United States / Katherine Wallman, Kenneth Prewitt, Susan Schechter -- Measuring for decision making : soft and hard use of indicators in regional development policies / Fabrizio Barca -- Measuring for decision making -- official statistics for decision making and evaluation : territorial indicators / Luigi Biggeri -- Measures of Australia's progress -- a case study of a national report based on key economic, social and environment indicators / Dennis Trewin and Jon Hall -- Statistical indicators for broad policy purposes in Ireland : developing the consensus between statistics and politics / Donal Garvey -- Measurement of government output and productivity for the national accounts in the UK : "The Atkinson Review" / Joe Grice -- OECD's role in global governance : the contribution of structural indicators and benchmarking / Jean-Philippe Cotis -- The impact of statistics on a competitive and knowledge-based economy / Adelheid Bürgi-Schmelz -- Composite indicators of environmental sustainability / Bedřich Moldan [and others] -- The reduction of complexity by means of indicators : case studies in the environmental domain / Walter Radermacher -- Indicators and social accounting for 21st century social policy / Gøsta Esping-Andersen -- Social inclusion -- do we have the right indicators? / Bjørn Hvinden -- Social indicator systems : foundations for policy design and evaluation? / Ken Tallis -- Information society : from statistical measurement to policy assessment / Tony Clayton -- Measurements in support of policy decisions / Kaija Hovi -- The use and abuse of real-time and anecdotal information in monetary policy making / Evan F. Koenig -- Indicators on public administration : democracy, efficiency, due process of law / Richard Murray -- Healthy people : three decades of national health / Edward J. Sondik and Richard J. Klein -- International benchmarking as a tool for regional policy making : experiences and challenges / Christoph Koellreuter -- The spatial monitoring system of the German Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning (BBR) as a tool for political counselling / Wendelin Strubelt -- Societal indicators and government-wide reporting in the government of Canada / Louise Bellefeuille-Prégent and Tim Wilson -- Natural capital : new measures to monitor the economy's ecological foundations / Carolyn Cahill -- Using quality of life indicators to inform policy and planning : a New Zealand example / Leigh Gatt -- Indicators and benchmarking as a support to the decision making process : the Italian experience in active employment policies / Aviana Bulgarelli -- New public management reform and the legacy of the developmental state in Korea / Chonghee Han -- Composite indicators -- the controversy and the way forward / Andrea Saltelli [and others] -- Millennium development goals : measuring and monitoring global progress / Paul Cheung -- Indicators for EU policy making : the example of structural indicators / Pedro Díaz Munoz -- The use of indicators for better policy making / Lorenzo Bini Smaghi and Gian Paolo Ruggiero -- Sustainable development indicators for policy making / Thorvald Moe -- Statistics, accounts and key indicators compiled by central banks : the case of the ECB / Steven Keuning and Alda Morais -- Financial stability policy and statistics / Toshio Idesawa -- Collaborating with civil society : reflections from Australia / Jon Hall [and others] -- Measuring and monitoring economic and social well-being : comments from a labour perspective / Andrew Jackson -- Using indicators to engage citizens : the Oregon Progress Board experience / Jeffrey Tryens -- China's economic indicator system and government auditing / Li Jinhua -- Indicators and public accountability in India / Vijayendra N. Kaul -- Enhancing public accountability : national performance indicators and the role of the Board of Audit of Japan / Muneharu Otsuka -- Agree on numbers while discussing words. Or is it just the opposite? / Luca De Biase -- Good and bad in Britain and what the press makes of it / Simon Briscoe -- The growing demand for statistics : challenges and opportunities / Pilar Martín-Guzmán -- New software brings statistics beyond the eye / Hans Rosling, Anna Rosling Rönnlund and Ola Rosling -- Measurement of social capital in the UK / Penny Babb -- Towards an atlas of social capital and institutions in Italy : strategy, developments and open issues / Alessandra Righi -- Gender statistics and the work of the National Development Plan Gender Equality Unit, Ireland / Mark P. Manto -- Gender equality statistics and indicators : the Canadian experience / Brigitte Neumann, Sheila Regehr and Leroy Stone -- Rewarding jobs : government policy and work incentives / Christopher Heady and Herwig Immervoll -- Opening remarks to the workshop on FDI statistics for policy making / William H. Witherell -- Measuring foreign direct investment / Ayse Bertrand -- Multiple indicators for multiple uses : United States statistics on foreign direct investment / Obie G. Whichard -- Agricultural support indicators : measurement, meaning and use / Wilfred Legg.
This publication contains the proceedings of the World Forum on Key Indicators held in Palermo in November 2004. In it, statisticians from governmental statistical offices, international organizations, and academia explain why indicator systems are useful and how statistics can be used, how to implement systems related to different kinds of statistics, and what systems are already in place. This conference was the first coordinated world wide effort to study the development and implications of large-scale systems of public information for developed countries--Publisher's description.
Statistics, knowledge and policy.
Key indicators to inform decision making
Policy sciences-- Methodology, Congresses.
Statistics-- Evaluation, Congresses.
Statistics-- Standards, Congresses.
Policy sciences-- Methodology.
POLITICAL SCIENCE-- Public Policy-- General.
Statistics-- Evaluation.
Statistics-- Standards.
POL-- 028000
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.