Front Cover; Advances in Computers: Emphasizing Parallel Programming Techniques; Copyright Page; Contents; Contributors; Preface; Chapter 1. Control in Multi-threaded Information Systems; 1. Introduction; 2. Process Model Control Specification; 3. Petri Nets; 4. The Simple Control Property; 5. A Theory of Threads of Control; 6. Applications of Thread Theory; 7. Conclusion; Appendix: Proofs of Theorems; References; Chapter 2. Parallelization of DOALL and DOACROSS Loops-a Survey; 1. Introduction; 2. Loop-scheduling Algorithms for DOALL Loops.
2. Evolutionary Strategies (ESs) and Evolutionary Programming (EP)3. Genetic Algorithms (GAS); 4. Extensions to Genetic Algorithms; 5. Other Popular Search Techniques; 6. Some Optimization Problems; 7. Comparison of Search Algorithms; 8. Techniques to Speed up the Genetic Algorithm; 9. Conclusions; References; Chapter 5. Software Reliability and Readiness Assessment Based on the Non-homogeneous Poisson Process; 1. Introduction and Background; 2. Software Reliability and Readiness Assessment; 3. NHPP and its Properties; 4. Trend Testing for Software Failure Data.
3. Comparative Analysis of DOALL Loop-scheduling Schemes4. DOALL Loop Scheduling on NUMA Multiprocessors; 5. Comparison of Affinity-scheduling Schemes; 6. DOACROSS Loop Scheduling; 7. Summary and Conclusions; References; Chapter 3. Programming Irregular Applications: Runtime Support, Compilation and Tools; 1. Introduction; 2. CHAOS; 3. Compilation Methods; 4. Runtime Support for Pointer-based Codes: CHAOS+ +; 5. Interoperability Issues: Meta-Chaos; 6. Related work; 7. Summary; References; Chapter 4. Optimization Via Evolutionary Processes; 1. Introduction.
5. Parameter Estimation for NHPP Models Using Laplace Trend Statistic6. Software Reliability Evaluation; 7. Readiness Assessment; 8. Readiness Analysis of a Commercial System t0; 9. Readiness Analysis for an Air Force System; 10. Concluding Remarks; References; Chapter 6. Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Groupware; 1. The CSCW Forum; 2. Research and Development Contexts; 3. From Small-Group Applications to Organizational Systems; 4. CSCW in North America, Europe and Asia; 5. Groupware Typologies; 6. Communication Technologies; 7. Shared-information-space Technologies.
8. Coordination Technologies9. Challenges to Groupware Development and Use; 10. New Approaches; 11. Future Directions; References; Chapter 7. Technology and Schools; 1. Technology and Schools; 2. Trends in Educational Computing; 3. Diffusion of Innovation; 4. Summary; References; Author Index; Subject Index; Contents of Volumes in This Series.
Since its first volume in 1960, Advances in Computers has presented detailed coverage of innovations in hardware and software and in computer theory, design, and applications. It has also provided contributorswith a medium in which they can examine their subjects in greater depth and breadth than that allowed by standard journal articles. As a result, many articles have become standard references that continue to be of significant, lasting value despite the rapid growth taking place in the field.
Advances in computers. Volume 45, Emphasizing parallel programming techniques.