Introduction. Writing : the enforced return -- I. Ireland. The ghost in the house : Bowen's court (1942) and 'The back drawing-room' (1926) -- Discovery of a lack : The last September (1928) -- A ghost of style : A world of love (1955) -- II. Children. Mother and child : The house in Paris (1935) -- Motherless child : The death of the heart (1938) -- Childless mother : the disfigurations of Eva Trout or changing scenes (1968) -- III. War. Words in the dark : The demon lover and other stories (1945) -- War's stories : The heat of the day (1946) and its contexts.
This is a critical study of the novels, shorts stories, family history and essays of a writer still too little appreciated. Corcoran sees Elizabeth Bowen as a writer who not only inherits from the experimental traditions of the Modernist movement, but inherits them with a difference, in ways that make a difference.
Bowen, Elizabeth,1899-1973-- Criticism and interpretation.
Bowen, Elizabeth, 1899-1973
Bowen, Elizabeth,1899-1973.
Bowen, Elizabeth.
Modernism (Literature)-- Ireland.
Women and literature-- Ireland-- History-- 20th century.