Tobacco Use, Second Hand Smoke Exposure and Associated Factors among Saudi Arabian Middle School Students: A Cross-Sectional Study
Hawsawi, Abdulrhman
Ayodele, Olabode
Indiana State University
94 p.
Indiana State University
Tobacco use is the leading cause of death worldwide and remains one of the biggest health threats in the world. Almost a third of the adolescents of the Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR) have reported tobacco use and the percentage is expected to rise in the future, making tobacco consumption a main public health issue among adolescent students in the EMR countries. The purpose of this study was to assess tobacco use, secondhand smoke exposure (SHS), and associated factors among Saudi Arabian middle school students. The study utilized the 2010 Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS). Descriptive statistics were used to characterize the study participants. Chi square analysis assessed differences between groups, while multiple logistic regression analysis assessed associations between the dependent variables (tobacco use and SHS) and the independent variables (demographics, attitude, social norms, exposure to tobacco advertisement, and cigarette accessibility). All data analyses were conducted using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 24. 49% of the participants were males and the majority (33.6%) of participants were in grade 1. Among study participants, 33% reported tobacco use and 46.5 % reported exposure to SHS. Attitude and social norms are significantly associated with tobacco use. Study participants demonstrated positive attitude towards tobacco use (OR = 1.15). 16.8% of the study participants reported they would smoke if a friend offered them a cigarette, and 15.8% reported that smoking helps people feel more comfortable. Further, the findings showed that mother's and father's tobacco use increased the likelihood of exposure to secondhand smoke in the past seven days (OR = 3.04 and OR = 4.94, respectively). However, a higher knowledge of the health effects of secondhand smoke reduced the likelihood of secondhand smoke exposure (OR = 0.93). In addition, participants reported higher levels of media exposure across both media exposure variables (e.g., seeing smoking on TV and in videos, movies & advertisements at point of sale) and were more likely to be tobacco users (61%). These findings underscore the importance of attitude and social norms in developing effective tobacco use prevention programs for this study population. The findings further reinforce the need for enforcement of strict laws that protect from exposure to SHS, and that current smoke-free laws that prohibit smoking in public places should be strengthened.