Fen, Teknoloji, mühendislik Ve Matematik (STEM) uygulamalarının 6. sınıf öğrencilerinin Problem çözme Becerilerine Ve Bilimsel süreç Becerilerine Etkisinin Incelenmesi
Köngül, Özge
Yıldırım, Mehtap
Marmara Universitesi (Turkey)
210 p.
Marmara Universitesi (Turkey)
The purpose of this study, to investigate the effects of problem solving skills and scientific process skills on 6th grade students. In this research, convergent parallel pattern was used among mixed methods. Four STEM lesson plans, developed by the researcher, were used for sixteen hours with a purpose of answering the below questions about the effect of the research of the students' problem solving skills and scientific process skills. 1. Do science teaching supported by STEM activities have an impact on 6th grade students' scientific process skills? 2. How is the impact of science teach supported by STEM activities on 6th grade students' self-perception levels related to problem solving? 3. How are the self-assessments about their study in science teaching process supported by STEM by 6th grade students? 4. How are the performances of the 6th students' in the science teaching process supported by STEM activities? The sample of the research consisted of 35 students, who were studying a secondary school in Küçükçekmece, İstanbul at 2018-2019 academic year. Quantitative data was collected by scientific 'The Process Skills Test' and 'The Problem Solving Inventory'', and qualitative data was collected by ''The Assessment Rubric'' and ''The Student Activity Paper''. With the purpose of determining the level of the experimental group in the analysis of the data obtained from the study, "The scientific Process Skills Test" and "The Problem Solving Inventory" were applied as a pretest to the experimental. When the experimental group students were divided into teams, the report notes were taken into consideration. At the end of the activities, for the quantitative part of the research, Scientific Process Skills Test and Problem Solving Inventory were applied as posttest. For the qualitative part of the research, ''The Assessment Rubrics'' and ''The Student Activity Papers'' were applied at the end of the application. For the quantitative part of the research the data obtained were analyzed with the use of a statistical program. In the qualitative part of the research, the data were graphed and interpreted. The findings of the study are as follows: In the experimental group was supported by STEM activities, students' perception levels and scientific process skills positively affect their problem solving skills. In the process of science teaching supported by STEM activities, it was determined that the self-evaluation of the students improved positively and in the observations, the students developed positive scientific process skills and problem solving skills.