Hacı Bektaş Veli, (Ḥāccī Bektāş Velī, d. 669/1270-1?), the eponym of the Bektaşiye (Bektāshiyya) Sufi (Ṣūfī) order, was the leader of a group of antinomian dervishes linked to Turcoman tribes that fled from Azerbaijan and Khurāsān to central Anatolia in the seventh/thirteenth century to escape the Mongol invasion. Although he was a disciple of Baba İlyas-ı Horasani (Bābā İlyās-ı Khurasānī, d. 1240), the leader of the political Babai (Bābāʾī) movement that had opposed Selçuk (Saljūq) rule and was suppressed in 637/1240, Hacı Bektaş did