from ancient life of Eleusinian mystery to postmodern biopolitics of Fukushima nuclear disaster
Tatsuhiro Nakajima
When reading the mythology of Persephone, Demeter, and Artemis from the perspective of ecopsychology, the meanings of natural disasters like the 2011 Japan Earthquake, followed by the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Disaster, are revealed in depth. The mythology of Persephone and Demeter provides an idea of the object relation between an individual life (bios) and life in general (zoë). Harold F. Searles analyzed the relation between environmental crisis and technology. The problem of externalization of developmental anxiety of the paranoid-schizoid position has been pointed out by Carl Jung, Wolfgang Giegerich, and Brigitte Egger in terms of unconscious acting out of mythology. In the history of science, epistemology of the notion of nature has been centered around the aphorism of Heraclitus: 'Nature loves to hide'. As Jung presented an idea of psychoid unconscious, we need to find the secret of nature within the mystery of being. When reading the mythology of Persephone, Demeter, and Artemis from the perspective of ecopsychology, the meanings of natural disasters like the 2011 Japan Earthquake, followed by the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Disaster, are revealed in depth. The mythology of Persephone and Demeter provides an idea of the object relation between an individual life (bios) and life in general (zoë). Harold F. Searles analyzed the relation between environmental crisis and technology. The problem of externalization of developmental anxiety of the paranoid-schizoid position has been pointed out by Carl Jung, Wolfgang Giegerich, and Brigitte Egger in terms of unconscious acting out of mythology. In the history of science, epistemology of the notion of nature has been centered around the aphorism of Heraclitus: 'Nature loves to hide'. As Jung presented an idea of psychoid unconscious, we need to find the secret of nature within the mystery of being.