Mystik als Tat? Philosophie und Spiritualität bei Maurice Blondel
Inigo Bocken
Brill | Schöningh
Mysticism as Act. Philosophy and Spirituality in Maurice Blondel Mysticism plays a crucial role at the background of Maurice Blondel's 'philosophy of action' (1893). In the years after his main work, his interest for mysticism increases. The discussion about the role of mysticism is even the battlefield of his debate with Jacques Maritain (1882-1973), who criticizes Blondel of allowing in his philosophy a direct contact with the Divine. Maritain does not accuse Blondel of 'modernism', but is very close to it. In order to explain his understanding of mysticism, the article outlines the intensive cooperation between Blondel and Henri Bremond (1865-1933). Blondel was of main influence for Bremond's text on poetry and prayer in which mysticism plays an important role. At the end of the article the role of this discussion on mysticism and philosophy for Blondel's social philosophy has been elaborated. Mysticism as Act. Philosophy and Spirituality in Maurice Blondel Mysticism plays a crucial role at the background of Maurice Blondel's 'philosophy of action' (1893). In the years after his main work, his interest for mysticism increases. The discussion about the role of mysticism is even the battlefield of his debate with Jacques Maritain (1882-1973), who criticizes Blondel of allowing in his philosophy a direct contact with the Divine. Maritain does not accuse Blondel of 'modernism', but is very close to it. In order to explain his understanding of mysticism, the article outlines the intensive cooperation between Blondel and Henri Bremond (1865-1933). Blondel was of main influence for Bremond's text on poetry and prayer in which mysticism plays an important role. At the end of the article the role of this discussion on mysticism and philosophy for Blondel's social philosophy has been elaborated. Mysticism as Act. Philosophy and Spirituality in Maurice Blondel Mysticism plays a crucial role at the background of Maurice Blondel's 'philosophy of action' (1893). In the years after his main work, his interest for mysticism increases. The discussion about the role of mysticism is even the battlefield of his debate with Jacques Maritain (1882-1973), who criticizes Blondel of allowing in his philosophy a direct contact with the Divine. Maritain does not accuse Blondel of 'modernism', but is very close to it. In order to explain his understanding of mysticism, the article outlines the intensive cooperation between Blondel and Henri Bremond (1865-1933). Blondel was of main influence for Bremond's text on poetry and prayer in which mysticism plays an important role. At the end of the article the role of this discussion on mysticism and philosophy for Blondel's social philosophy has been elaborated. Mysticism as Act. Philosophy and Spirituality in Maurice Blondel Mysticism plays a crucial role at the background of Maurice Blondel's 'philosophy of action' (1893). In the years after his main work, his interest for mysticism increases. The discussion about the role of mysticism is even the battlefield of his debate with Jacques Maritain (1882-1973), who criticizes Blondel of allowing in his philosophy a direct contact with the Divine. Maritain does not accuse Blondel of 'modernism', but is very close to it. In order to explain his understanding of mysticism, the article outlines the intensive cooperation between Blondel and Henri Bremond (1865-1933). Blondel was of main influence for Bremond's text on poetry and prayer in which mysticism plays an important role. At the end of the article the role of this discussion on mysticism and philosophy for Blondel's social philosophy has been elaborated.
Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society