This article examines Martin Luther's theology of the cross (theologia crucis) and its implications for the Asian struggle for humanity. It is argued that, although Luther's influence on many Asian theologians is significant, his inconsistent position with regard to sociopolitical issues requires Asian theologians to reinterpret their own theologies of the cross beyond Luther's initial position. Moreover, the article explores Kosuke Koyama's appropriation of Luther's theologia crucis in the Asian context by imaginatively constructing his own theology of the cross that critically addresses Asian sociopolitical realities. This article examines Martin Luther's theology of the cross (theologia crucis) and its implications for the Asian struggle for humanity. It is argued that, although Luther's influence on many Asian theologians is significant, his inconsistent position with regard to sociopolitical issues requires Asian theologians to reinterpret their own theologies of the cross beyond Luther's initial position. Moreover, the article explores Kosuke Koyama's appropriation of Luther's theologia crucis in the Asian context by imaginatively constructing his own theology of the cross that critically addresses Asian sociopolitical realities.