African Feminist Contributions to Missiological Anthropology
Auli Vähäkangas
Missiology has mainly been the interest of white expatriate missionaries. In the context of the growing focus of Christianity on the global South, this article looks into African feminist theology. Using theologians of the "Circle of the Concerned Women Theologians in Africa," this article analyses some central contributions made by members of this Circle in the field of missiology. The most interesting feminist contribution to missiological anthropology is the search for a new cultural identity by modern African Christians. This search for identity includes a critical and positive view of African traditional practices. This contextualization process includes both the continuation and reconstruction of some of the practices which the Circle theologians have identified as not being oppressive. The African missiologists need in-depth anthropological and theological analyses to understand the variety of cultures in their societies and to contextualize the Gospel. Missiology has mainly been the interest of white expatriate missionaries. In the context of the growing focus of Christianity on the global South, this article looks into African feminist theology. Using theologians of the "Circle of the Concerned Women Theologians in Africa," this article analyses some central contributions made by members of this Circle in the field of missiology. The most interesting feminist contribution to missiological anthropology is the search for a new cultural identity by modern African Christians. This search for identity includes a critical and positive view of African traditional practices. This contextualization process includes both the continuation and reconstruction of some of the practices which the Circle theologians have identified as not being oppressive. The African missiologists need in-depth anthropological and theological analyses to understand the variety of cultures in their societies and to contextualize the Gospel.