Cover; Title; Copyright; Contents; Introduction; Chapter One; Islamic Doctrine; Sources of Islamic Doctrinal and Social Views; Doctrines of the Quran; God; Tawhid; The Universe; Humanity; Satan, Sin, and Repentance; Iblis; Prophecy; Eschatology (Doctrine of Last Things); Social Service; Chapter Two; Fundamental Practices And Institutions; The Five Pillars; The Shahadah, or Profession of Faith; Prayer; Khutbah; The Zakat; Fasting; The Hajj; Sacred Places and Days; Holy Days; Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha; The Mosque; Shrines of Sufi Saints; Chapter Three; Islamic Theology.
Origins, Nature, and Significance of Islamic TheologyTheology and Sectarianism; The Kharijites; Jihad; The Muʿtazilah; Sunnism; Shiʿism; Druze; Sufism; The Ahmadiyyah; Chapter Four; Islamic Philosophy; The Eastern Philosophers; The Teachings of al-KindI; The Teachings of Abu Bakr al-Razi; Political Philosophy and the Study of Religion; Interpretation of Plato and Aristotle; The Analogy of Religion and Philosophy; Impact on Ismaiʿli Theology; The "Oriental Philosophy"; Distinction between Essence and Existence and the Doctrine of Creation; The Immortality of Individual Souls
Philosophy, Religion, and MysticismThe Western Philosophers; Theoretical Science and Intuitive Knowledge; Unconcern of Philosophy with Reform; The Philosopher as a Solitary Individual; Concern for Reform; The Hidden Secret of Avicenna's "Oriental Philosophy"; Philosophy; The Divine Law; Theology; The New Wisdom: Synthesis of Philosophy and Mysticism; Characteristic Features of the New Wisdom; Primary Teachers of the New Wisdom; Critiques of Aristotle; Impact of Modernism; Chapter Five; Islamic Social And Ethical Principles; Family Life; The State; Education; The Caliphate; Cultural Diversity.
PurdahConclusion; Glossary; Bibliography; Index; Back Cover.
Amidst growing concerns about radical religious terrorism and general misinformation about the Islamic faith, this authoritative, academic guide reveals the rich historical development and core theological teachings of the world's second-largest religion. By covering Islam's philosophical development in detail alongside biographical treatments of several key thinkers, this title unveils the beliefs of an oft-misunderstood religion. Through an in-depth exploration of Muslim principles, this title demystifies Islam and provides a greater context in which to understand the Islamic faith.