Introduction: History and hysteria -- pt. I: The war we pretend away -- Crescent triumphant! -- Crescent descending -- When Muslim armies won -- pt. II: The devils these days -- The world after the "age of ideology" -- Dream warriors -- Faith's civil wars -- Better than genocide -- America's two terror wars -- The global nuclear underground -- Tribes vs. democracy -- Man on the move -- Al Qaʹeda's market crash -- Why Putin should scare us -- The halfway war -- Taliban from outer space -- Ghost states: "inconvenient" reality -- Border bloodbath -- pt. III: Fit to fight -- Wanted: occupation doctrine -- Learning to lose -- The geezer brigade -- Bribing troops to quit -- Dishonest doctrine -- Dethroning the King -- Fighting words -- Learning from Georgia -- The damage done -- COIN lies we love -- The no-victory lie -- pt. IV: Endless wars -- Where are the strategists? -- 12 myths of twenty-first-century war -- Assessing the surge -- What "bomb Iran" really takes -- War's irrational motivators -- Wishful thinking and indecisive wars -- Trapping ourselves in Afghanistan.
From the Publisher: Endless War features controversial strategist Ralph Peters at his most provocative and popular, raising perceptive, often shocking questions others fear to ask. In a sweeping collection that ranges from Muslim military triumphs a thousand years ago through the turning of the tide between East and West to the brutal unconventional struggles of today and tomorrow, former Military Intelligence officer Peters extends his successful series of books on strategy and security affairs that have won him diehard fans for his insight, firsthand experience, and frankness. Endless War engages the toughest security issues of our time, including: Does our Afghan war make sense? Can we win? Do we even have a strategy? ; Has flawed military planning left our troops as virtual hostages in combat zones? ; Can Israel survive? What would an Iranian nuclear arsenal mean for the world? ; Is Islam a "religion of peace," or has the war between Islam and Western civilization continued virtually without interruption for almost fourteen centuries? ; Why doesn't the greatest superpower in history win more often? Are we our own worst enemies? ; Have we lost our sense of warfare's reality? Why don't we fight to win? ; Do terrorist prisoners really deserve better treatment than American citizens? ; What's the true price of striking serious history courses from our schools? ; Who does deeper damage to the United States, our violent enemies or arrogant ruling elite? In powerful prose combining clarity with passion, Ralph Peters continues to shape our country's military and strategic thought, while standing up for our troops and American values. No book on strategy or foreign affairs this year will be fiercer or more brutally honest. As ever more dark clouds gather over the world, this is a voice we need!