a study of the recruitment, qualification, conditions of employment, and professional associations of chartered civil, electrical and mechanical engineers in Great Britain.
London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London)
London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London)
This thesis is concerned with the rise, development and presentposition of a particular professional group in Great Britain: thechartered engineers. The study is divided into four parts.Part one is an attempt to set up a framework within whichmoat professions can be studied. and provides the tools of analysisfor the present study.The second. part briefly traces the history of the occupationfrom its earliest beginnings and contrasts the origins of theprofessional engineers in France and Great Britain. Of particularinterest in this section is the emphasis placed by the nineteenthcentury British engineers on the 'practical' aspects of theiroccupation and their continued, neglect and rejection of its'scientific' side. It was during the same century that the threemajor professional Institutions in engineering came into being andprovide& a base for the future development of the profession.Part three is concerned with the education, training,recruitment and careers of a sample of chartered engineers whoentered the profession in the present century. The educationaland training routes leading to election and corporate membershipin the professional Institutions are traced out and, the variousfactors which appear to determine the choice of a route by thechartered engineers are examined. The social and geographic origins, the family traditions, and the educational and training background ofthe sample are analysed. The effect of thesefactors upon the pattern of recruitment to the profession andupon the subsequent careers of the chartered. engineers aredescribed.In the final part the study is summarized and the possibleeffects, upon the structure of the profession, of recent changesin the provisions for professional training and education arediscussed
McFarlane, Bruce A.
London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London)