Harold Macmillan and the origins of the 1961 British application to join the EEC.
Deavin, Mark Kevin.
London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London)
London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London)
This thesis seeks to show that the origins of the 1961 British application to join theEuropean Community lay primarily in the long standing personal commitment of PrimeMinister Harold Macmillan both to the idea of supranational European aaangemeats,and to full British participation in them. It argues that fiom the beginning of his politicalcareer in the late 1920's, Macmillan displayed a strong commitment to aninternationalist political philosophy dedicated to creating a new European and worldorder that would transcend and replace the nation-states of Europe and their colonialempires, and suppress European economic and political nationalism.His work and close involvement with the leading promoters of this world view ischarted, including his membership of groups such as the Round Table, the RoyalInstitute for International Affairs (RIIA), and Political and Economic Planning (PEP).In particular, his active role in the establishment of the post 1945 European Movementand in his consistent dedication to the creation of supranational European institutions, isdescribed.It is shown, moreover, that Macmillan maintained his European Movement connectionsthroughout his time in high political office, and it is advocated that they hold the key toexplaining the evolution of the application to join the European Community which heorchestrated as British Prime Minister in July 1961. It is also argued, that a logicalmanifestation of Macmillan's internationalist world view and commitment io Europeansupranational integration, was a long-standing sympathy with the ideas and methods ofthe Soviet Union, and a belief that stable world management could be achieved as aresult of a close collaboration with it.
European integration
Deavin, Mark Kevin.
London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London)