A comparative study of vocational/technical education in Zambia and Zimbabwe 1900 - 1987.
Follis, Brian.
University of Liverpool
University of Liverpool
This thesis undertakes the collection, analysis and evaluation ofinformation concerning the development of vocational and technicaleducation in Zambia and Zimbabwe. Tracing the history of vocationaleducation from 1900, the work emphasises the separate racial provisionof education, including vocational, until both countries approachedtheir respective Independence periods.Six years after Independence, vocational and technical education inZambia occupied a focal point in the country's attempt to firstlyachieve an economic transformation and secondly, absorb the growingnumber of unemployed school leavers from the system of generaleducation. After abolishing the system of apprenticeship, governmentvocational institutions became the major point of training for formalsector employment skills. Yet this inner reform has been dilutedlargely by an economy unable to sustain the high recurrent costsreqUired by institutional training.The most striking feature of vocational and technical education inZimbabwe is how little the structure has changed from the preindependenceperiod. Whilst the racial balance of trainees has movedin favour of Africans, early political rhetoric in favour of changingthe approach to skill training has failed to materialise.Conservat i ve forces in both countries have managed with assistancefrom external aid programmes to retain a formal system of vocationaland technical education very similar to that which existed beforeindependence. Educat ional provision for those who have dropped out ofschool or are unemployed is grossly deficient.In conclusion, the thesis proposes three act ion ar ea s: emphasising acloser partnership of public and private sector training institutionswhich will tackle the issue of making better use of existinginstitutional capacity and expanding more directed opportunities forskill training. linking national development goals with wellresearchedand developed national vocational curricula rather than theperceptions or overseas examination syst ems: ensuring bettercoordination between the education/training system and the ongoingrequirements of the employment system and making training moresensitive to sectorial needs, particularly towards the majority ofpeople who live and work in rural areas.