The present study responds to the longstanding need withinthe field of applied sociolinguistics for a better understanding ofL2 variability. The study is concerned with the nature ofphonological variation in the use of English by Indians. It is anattempt to use sociolinguistic methodology In examInIng a secondlanguage situation and to investigate:1. Whether L2 variability is conditioned by linguistic constraints,and2. Whether there is any social significance associated with L2variability.The study is based on the data collected from 44 educated speakersof English in Aligarh (North India). The data was analysed by meansof a variety of statistical and computer based programmes. Forty fiveminutes long interview was conducted by means of a questionnaire. Thetasks, ranging from the informal to the most formal, were: (i) casualspeech, (ii) short responses or interview style, (iii) reading passageand sentences, and (iv) reading minimal paIrs.There was, of course, no way to eliminate completely the influenceof the interview situation, which generally causes speech to be moreformal than casual. However, a number of techniques were used toenable the informants to relax and speak more casually.The first chapter deals with the socio-cultural and historicalaspect of English in India. The second chapter looks at varioustheoretical approaches to the study of linguistic variability. The thirdchapter discusses the research methodology adopted for the presentstudy. The fourth chapter examines the linguistic variants indifferent phonolog'ical environments and confirms our hypothesis thatlinguistic variation in second language IS systematic at the level ofboth the individual and the group.In the fifth chapter phonological variables have been analysed in relation to socialdemographic variables, such as schooling, education, age, sex andsocial class. The analysis in the sixth chapter deals with stylisticvariation and shows a wide variation in different styles of speech.The seventh chapter very briefly examines intelligibility ofIndian English and suggests that a change is probably taking placein Indian English due to social and political pressures within thecountry, particularly affecting younger generation.The last chapter begins with a brief discussion of the majorfindings and their social and linguistic implications and suggestsways in which the insights gained from the study can be utilisedin the teaching of English as a second language.