The integration of terrorist organisations into political systems :
Frayman, Amir Pavlo
factors, dynamics and circumstances that lead to a successful transformation
Freedman, Lawrence; Neumann, Peter Rudolf
King's College London (University of London)
King's College London (University of London)
This research explores the factors, dynamics and circumstances that explain how and why terrorist organisations decide to integrate into political systems. The research proposes that such integration is a result of decisions and actions taken by a terrorist organisation, the state that deals with it and the surrounding international system. The research propositions are tested against three cases of terrorist organisations that successfully integrated into political systems: the Irgun, the Ulster Volunteer Force and Hizballah. The findings determine that the presence of certain factors, whether on the organisational, domestic or international levels - and preferably all at the same time - provide the necessary conditions for a successful integration to occur. The research concludes that the most dominant parameters that create the necessary conditions for terrorists' political integration are: (a) fluctuation in the level of public support for the terrorist organisation's strategy and tactics, (b) internal split in the ranks of a terrorist organisation if one faction becomes more moderate than the other, (c) the mix of aggressive and accommodating counter-terrorism policies employed by the state, and (d) the level and impact of international involvement in the conflict. In situations where these parameters are present and have a tangible influence on a terrorist organisation's decisions, behaviour and actions, the process of integration into a political system by the terrorist organisation is not only more likely, but also faster and more efficient. Ultimately, the research offers a theoretical model that could potentially provide a set of guidelines for decision-makers on how to instigate, encourage or enhance a transformation process within terrorist organisations, from militant strategy and extremist doctrine toward acceptance of political strategy and democratic principle-based ideology as the sole means to achieve their objectives.