a study of Anthony Trollope, with special reference to selected novels, 1847-1883
University of London
University of London
Trollope's literary career over thirty five years shows remarkable consistency of aims and achievement. The object of this dissertation is to trace the continuity of Trollope's interests in major areas of human fulfilment such as love, marriage and problems of moral conduct. The first two chapters deal with his life, reputation and attitudes towards the novel. Chapter Three raises the theme of most of his novels - the young person in love, and Chapter Four shows the maturing of love in marriage and family life. Chapter Five completes this central section by studying the conditions of Single Life. Chapter Six is devoted to Trollope and Ireland, relating personal fulfilment with the responsibilities and pressures of the outside world. The novels about Ireland span Trollope's writing life and therefore provide useful illustration of his consistency. My final chapter considers the obligations of the individual in the social environment, with particular emphasis on political life, and the quality of society as a whole. Throughout the thesis my concern has been to move from the sociological orientation of much Trollope criticism to questions of literary merit. The principle of continuity has been illustrated by an examination of themes from a range of novels outside the Barsetshire and Palliser series which have been usually in the forefront of discussion. The principle of consistency has been demonstrated by fuller illustration from The Three Clerics, Ayalals Angel, The Bertrams and The Claverings (Chapter Three); Orley Farm and He Knew He Was Right (Chapter Pour); The Eustace Diamonds (Chapter Five); The Macdermots of Ballycloran, The Kellys and the O'Kellys, Castle Richmond. The Landleaguers (Chapter Six); The Way We Live Now (Chapter Seven).