Evaluation of the Distribution of Heavy Metals in Soil Around Electronic Waste Dump Site in Lagos, Nigeria
O., Oladeji Francis
Sawyerr, Henry O.
Kwara State University (Nigeria)
Kwara State University (Nigeria)
The pollution of the environment with heavy metals has become a world-wide problem during recent years because they are non-biodegradable and toxic. In view of assessing the distribution of heavy metals in soil around Electronic dumpsite in Owutu area of Ikorodu Lagos state Nigeria, soil samples were collected and analyzed. Soil samples PH were determined using standard analytical procedure. Heavy metal concentrations in soil around Electronic dumpsite were analyzed using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry after acid digestion of the samples. The results revealed that the soil around electronic dumpsite in Owutu area of Ikorodu and the control samples have the following characteristics: pH: 6.4, 7.49, 7.30, 6.94, 6.6, 7.85, 6.45, 7.25, 7.48, 6.85. The results of soil pH revealed that the pH of the soil ranged from moderately acidic to slightly alkaline. Heavy metal concentrations in soil in Owutu dumpsite, the soil sample 1(SS 1) were Cu: 7177.1±202.23 mg/kg, Zn: 824.05±40.52 mg/kg, Cr: BDL, Cd: 2.8±0.85 mg/kg, Pb: 793.35±11.53 mg/kg; Soil Sample 2 (SS2) were Cu: 7853.3±14.81 mg/kg, Zn: 1895.65±77.71 mg/kg Cr: 111.2±5.09 mg/kg Cd: 5.25±1.34 mg/kg Pb: 1167.1±8.63 mg/kg; Soil Sample 3 (SS3) were Cu: 107.0±54.87 mg/kg, Zn: 224.4±20.93 mg/kg Cr: 15.6±1.13 mg/kg, Cd: 1.55±0.49 mg/kg, Pb: 0.55±0.78 mg/kg; Soil Sample 4 (SS4) were Cu: 6048.3±54.87 mg/kg, Zn: 5105.9±883.32 mg/kg Cr: 88.4±5.79 mg/kg, Cd: 46.6±2.40 mg/kg, Pb: 2219.7±8.34 mg/kg; Soil sample 5 (SS5) were Cu: 8246.3±149.91 mg/kg, Zn: 622.9±55.72 mg/kg, Cr: 8.05±1.77 mg/kg, Cd: 1.0±1.41mg/kg, Pb: 954.25±7.71 mg/kg; Soil sample 6 (SS 6) were Cu: 5822.3±344.22 mg/kg, Zn: 1812.7±230.38 mg/kg, Cr: 76.65±4.45 mg/kg, Cd: 4.5±1.13 mg/kg, Pb: 1836.2±149.62 mg/kg; Soil Sample 7 (SS 7)were Cu: 160.3±11.31 mg/kg, Zn: 310.45±33.87 mg/kg, Cr: 29.15±0.35 mg/kg Cd: 1.05±0.35 mg/kg, Pb: 0.85±1.20 mg/kg; Soil Sample 8 (SS 8) were Cu: 5814.75±154.36 mg/kg, Zn: 5443.7±87.96 mg/kg, Cr: 75.25±3.61 mg/kg, Cd: 23.35±3.32 mg/kg, Pb: 2261.15±310.63. The results obtained for heavy metals concentrations in soil around electronic dumpsite in Owutu dumpsite revealed that the concentration of all heavy metals (Pb, Mn, Cu, Cd and Zn), for all soil samples collected were far higher than those at the background (control site) suggesting serious anthropogenic influence. The extent of contamination of the soils by heavy metals and the potential risk it may pose to humans through food chain and ingestion was done by calculating the Metal contamination factor (CF), Enrichment Factor (EF), Pollution Index and Geoaccumulation Index (Igeo). The indices revealed that soil were gross contamination of dumpsite with heavy metals.