Perceived Influence of M-Learning on the Teaching and Learning of Business Education Courses in National Open University of Nigeria Study Centres
Salam, Mutiyat Omolara
Femi, Ademiluyi
Kwara State University (Nigeria)
Kwara State University (Nigeria)
The study was carried out to investigate the perceived influence of M-learning on teaching and learning of business education courses in National Open University of Nigeria study centres.Five specific purposes and research questions each were raised while five null hypotheses were tested for the study. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study comprised 624 business education students and 32 facilitators out of which a sample of 236 and 12 students and facilitators respectively were drawn proportionately from two study centres using Taro Yamane formula. The instrument adopted for data collection was Perceived Influence of M-Learning on the Teaching and Learning of Business Education Courses Questionnaire (PIMLTLBECQ). The instrument was validated by three experts not below the rank of senior lecturer. A reliability coefficient of 0.76 was obtained, using Cronbach Alpha coefficient. The instrument was of two types, each type was made up of five sections. The demographic variables of the respondents were analysed using frequency and percentage. The data collected for the research questions were analysed using mean and standard deviation. Null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance using independent t-test. The findings of the study revealed among others that teaching and learning with M-Learning were perceived by business education students and their facilitator to have a positive influence on the teaching and learning of Business Education Courses in National Open University of Nigeria study centre. The study equally showed that, there was no significant difference between the mean responses of male and female respondents on the benefits derived from mobile learning in National Open University of Nigeria study centers. Based on the findings it was concluded that teaching and learning with mobile learning positively affects the academic performance of students. This means that teaching and learning with the mobile devices and platforms positively influences the academic performance of business education students and can consequently further have a salutary effect on industry and the national economy. It was therefore recommended among other things that there is need for government to conduct regular sensitization programmes on mobile learning for educational stakeholders in curriculum development. Business education teachers should integrate the use of mobile learning and devices as it is perceived to enhance academic performance of business education students.