The pesantren architects and their socioreligious teachings (1850-1950)
H. Abd Rachman
I. K. M. Poonawala, Michael G.
University of California, Los Angeles
271-271 p.
University of California, Los Angeles
The roots of Islamic teaching, the santri Muslims of Indonesia together with the intellectual masters of the pesantren tradition, and the pesantren strategists during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries are the main subjects in this work. Their intellectual biography including their historical background, socio-religious roles in society, as well as their religious principles are elaborated. These 'ulama' who were intellectually linked to Hijazi education are Nawawial-Bantani(d. 1897), Mahfuz al-Tirmisi (d. 1919), Khalil Bangkalan (d. 1924), Hashim Ashari (d. 1947), and Asnawi Kudus (d. 1959). The supremacy of these 'ulama' is demonstrated by the fact that their students became the leaders of the pesantren community all over Java, and that the latter not only glorified them as actual masters and leaders but used the works of these 'ulama' as well until now. It is shown that the pesantren 'ulama' have been Sufi, Ash'ari, and Sh'afii fiqh oriented. Closer examination of these dimensions reveals the philosophical and religious connection between intellectual imitation (taqlid) and the function of the 'ulama' as role models in the society. The 'ulama' themselves based their behavior on the example of Muhammad and the Walisongo (fifteenth- and sixteenth-century missionaries in Java). Through the notion of "cultural resistance" inherited from the Walisongo, the pesantren tradition displayed its dynamism to flexibly absorb local and foreign elements but still to stand uniquely on Islamic principles. It is demonstrated that the ideology of the pesantren, conceptually, socially, and politically combated colonialism in Java. Thus, the conventional assumption that Javanese santris were politically quiet because they were Ashari is not justified. These conclusions are reached by employing primary sources written in Arabic and Javanese by the pesantren 'ulama' themselves. It also explained that the roots of the dialogue between the traditionalists represented by Sufi and santri Muslims and the modernists symbolized and affected by Wahhabi ideas and those of Muhammad Abduh are found in the nineteenth century.