Water deficit stress-induced changes in higher plants and implications for global arid regions / Hong-Bo Shao ... [et al.] -- Physical and chemical signals and their action in systemic responses of plants to local wounding / Vladimaira Hlavaaeckovaa -- Root water transport under abiotic stress conditions / Ricardo Aroca, Juan Manuel Ruiz-Lozano -- Amino acids in the rhizosphere: a review / Rejsek Klement, Formanek Pavel & Vranova Valerie -- Harnessing the bacterial endophytes for crop improvement / M. Senthilkumar and M. Madhaiyan -- Endoreduplication in cereal plants / Marina Dermastia -- An overview in antioxidant properties of strawberry / Behrouz Ehsani-Moghaddam and Shahrokh Khanizadeh -- Marine photosynthetic response to increased atmospheric COb2s concentration and oceanic acidification / Hongyan Wu, Dinghui Zou and Kunshan Gao -- Fluorescence response to temperature stress in salt marsh taxa of genus Sarcocornia under laboratory conditions / S. Redondo-Gaomez, E. Mateos-Naranjo and M.E. Figueroa -- From genome to phenome / Primetta Faccioli, Caterina Morcia and Valeria Terzi.