6th ed. /editors, Robert W. Bucholz, James D. Heckman, Charles M. Court-Brown ; associate editors, Kenneth J. Koval, Paul Tornetta III, Michael A. Wirth.
: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,
, c2.
2 v.
:(xvii, 2400, 52) , ill. +, 2 CD-ROMs (4 3/4
Includes bibliographical references and in
Fractures of the scapula / Kenneth P. Butters -- Subluxations and dislocations about the glenohumeral joint / Young W. Kwon and Joseph D. Zuckerman -- Acromioclavicular joint injuries / Leesa M. Galatz and Gerald R. Williams Jr. -- Injuries to the sternoclavicular joint / Gregory J. Gilot, Michael A. Wirth, and Charles A. Rockwood Jr. -- Principles of spine trauma care / Sohail K. Mirza, Carlo Bellabarba, and Jens R. Chapman -- Injuries of the craniocervical junction / Carlo Bellabarba, Sohail K. Mirza, and Jens R. Chapman -- Fractures and dislocations of the lower cervical spine / Christopher M. Bono -- Fractures and dislocations of the thoracolumbar spine / Robert K. Eastluck and Christopher J. Bono -- Fractures of the pelvic ring / Adam J. Starr and A. Steven Malekzadeh -- Fractures of the acetabulum / Mark C. Reilly -- Hip dislocations and fractures of the femoral head / Paul Tornetta III -- Fractures of the neck of the femur / Ross K. Leighton -- Intertrochanteric fractures / Kenneth J. Koval and Robert V. Cantu -- Subtrochanteric fractures / Kwok-sui Leung -- Fractures of the shaft of the femur / Sean E. Nork -- Fractures of the distal femur / Peter J. OBrien ... [et al.] -- Fractures of the patella and injuries to the extensor mechanism / Robert M. Harris -- Fractures of the proximal tibia / Kenneth A. Egol and Kenneth J. Koval -- Dislocations and fracture-dislocations of the knee / Robert C. Schenck Jr., James P. Stannard, and Daniel C. Wascher -- Fractures of the tibia and fibula / Charles M. Court-Brown -- Ankle fractures / J.L. Marsh and Charles L. Saltzman -- Fractures of the talus / David W. Sanders -- Fractures of the calcaneus / Roy W. Sanders and Michael P. Clare -- Fractures and dislocations of the midfoot and forefoot / John S. Ea
Biomechanics of fixation and fractures / Allan F. Tencer -- Classification of fractures / Douglas R. Dirschl and Lisa K. Cannada -- Management of the multiply injured patient / Hans-Christoph Pape and Peter V. Giannoudis -- The epidemiology of fractures, part 1. overview of epidemiology / Charles M. Court-Brown and Benjamin C. Caesar, part 2. Experience in the United States / Kenneth J. Koval and Michael Cooley -- Nonoperative fracture treatment / John F. Connolly -- Principles of internal fixation / Christian Krettek and Thomas Geosling -- Principles of external fixation / J. Tracy Watson -- Bone and joint healing / Joseph A. Buckwalter, Thomas A. Einhorn, and J.L. Marsh -- Bone grafting and enhancement of fracture repair / Sanjeev Kakar, Eleftherios Tsiridis, and Thomas Einhorn -- Outcome studies in trauma / Mohit Bhandari -- Imaging considerations in orthopaedic trauma / Andrew H. Schmidt and Kerry M. Kallas -- Initial management of open fractures / Steven A. Olson and Mark C. Willis -- Acute compartment syndrome / Margaret M. McQueen -- Penetrating trauma / Edward A. Perez -- War wounds, limb salvage, and traumatic amputations / Paul J. Dougherty -- Bone and soft tissue reconstruction / Lior Heller and L. Scott Levin -- Systemic complications / David C. Templeman and William A. Marinelli -- Local complications / Kirti D. Moholkar and Bruce H. Ziran -- Osteoporotic fractures / Magnus K. Karlsson, Karl Obran, and Per Olof Josefsson -- Pathologic fractures / Kristy L. Weber -- Stress fractures / David C. Teague -- Periprosthetic fractures, part 1) periprosthetic fractures of the elbow and shoulder / Robert H. Cofield ... [et al.], part 2) periprosthetic fractures about total hip and total knee replacements / Jay D. Mabrey -- Computer-aided orthopaedic surgery in skeletal trauma / Meir Liebergall, Rami Mosheiff, and Leo Joskowicz -- Fractures and dislocations of the hand / Mark H. Henry -- Fractures and dislocations of the carpus / Christian Gaebler -- Fractures of the distal radius and ulna / David S. Ruch -- Fractures of the shafts of the radius and ulna / Ralph Hertel and Dominique A. Rothenfluh -- Fractures and dislocations of the elbow / David Ring -- Fractures of the distal humerus / C. Michael Robinson -- Fractures of the shaft of the humerus / Michael D. McKee -- Fractures of the proximal humerus / Jon J. P. WarnerJohn G. Costouros, and Christian Gerber -- Fractures of the clavicle / Mark D. Lazarus and Carl Seo