/ edited by Fr?شd?شrique Battin-Leclerc, John M. Simmie, Edward Blurock
: Springer London :Imprint: Springer,
, 2013.
XIII, 658 p. 245 illus., online resource.
(Green Energy and Technology,1865-3529)
This overview compiles the on-going research in Europe to enlarge and deepen the understanding of the reaction mechanisms and pathways associated with the combustion of an increased range of fuels. Focus is given to the formation of a large number of hazardous minor pollutants and the inability of current combustion models to predict the formation of minor products such as alkenes, dienes, aromatics, aldehydes and soot nano-particles which have a deleterious impact on both the environment and on human health. Cleaner Combustion describes, at a fundamental level, the reactive chemistry of minor pollutants within extensively validated detailed mechanisms for traditional fuels, but also innovative surrogates, describing the complex chemistry of new environmentally important bio-fuels. Divided into five sections, a broad yet detailed coverage of related research is provided. Beginning with the development of detailed kinetic mechanisms, chapters go on to explore techniques to obtain reliable experimental data, soot and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, mechanism reduction and uncertainty analysis, and elementary reactions. This comprehensive coverage of current research provides a solid foundation for researchers, managers, policy makers and industry operators working in or developing this innovative and globally relevant field.
1.Introduction, - PART I -- 2.Modeling combustion with detailed kinetic mechanisms -- 3.Automatic generation of detailed mechanisms -- 4.Specificities related to detailed kinetic models for the combustion of oxygenated fuel components -- 5.Multistep kinetic model of biomass pyrolysis -- PART II -- 6.Speciation in shock tubes -- 7.Rapid compression machines -- 8.Jet-stirred reactors -- 9.Tubular flow reactors -- 10.Flame studies of oxygenated hydrocarbons -- PART III -- 11.Formation and characterization of polyaromatic hydrocarbons -- 12.Laser diagnostics for selective and quantitative measurement of PAHs and soot -- 13.Characterization of soot -- 14.An Advanced Multi-Sectional Method for Particulate Matter Modeling in Flames -- 15.Modelling soot formation: model of particle formation -- PART IV -- 16.Investigation and improvement of reaction mechanisms using sensitivity analysis and optimization -- 17.Mechanism reduction to skeletal form and species lumping -- 18.Time Scale Splitting Based Mechanism Reduction -- 19.Storage of chemical kinetic information -- PART V -- 20.Calculation of molecular thermochemical data and their availability in databases -- 21.Statistical rate theory in combustion: An operational approach -- 22.Primary products and branching ratios for combustion multi-channel bimolecular reactions from crossed molecular beam studies -- 23.Kinetic studies of elementary chemical steps with relevance in combustion and environmental chemistry -- 24.Shock-tube studies of combustion-relevant elementary chemical steps and sub-Mechanisms.