Confucian thought : selfhood as creative transformation
Albany :
State University of New York Press,
1 DVD-ROM; 4 3/4 IN
System Requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. this DVD-ROM Includes PDF File of Book of" Confucian thought : selfhood as creative transformation" written by Tu Wei-ming. The Book Contents are as Follow: The Moral Universal from the Perspectives of East Asian Thought, The Cintinuity of Being: Chinese Visions of Nature, A Confucian Perspective on Learning to be Human, The Value of the Human in Classical Confucian Thought, Jen as Linving Metaphor in the Confucian Analects, The Idea oh the Human in Mencian Thought An Approach to Chinese Aesthetics, Selfhood and Otherness The Father-son Relationship in Confucian Thought, Neo Confucian Religiosity and Human Relatedness, Neo Confucian Ontology A preliminary Questioning
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