:a Catalogue of books and articles on iranian subjects, mainly in european language
/ edited by M. Nawabi
: Iranian culture foundation
, 1968-1992.
Vol. 6-9 printed by "institute for cultural studies and research"
Title Page and Preface also in Persian.
V.1. Containing Studies on Avesta .- V.2. Persian Language and Literature .- V.3. Archaeology , Architecture and Art .- V.4. travels and Dectiption.- V.5. History , Mythology and Foriegn Relation .- V.6. Religion , Philosophy and Science .- V.7. Linguistics .- V.8. Geography and Related Science .- V.9. Agriculture , Civilization , Commerce , Communication , Economics , Education , Finance , Industry Law and Legislation , Politics and Government and social Life and Society
کتابشناسی ایران: فهرستی از مقالات و کتابهایی که به زبانهای اروپایی درباره ایران چاپ شده است