Tarikh al-falak 'inda al-'Arab [The History of Astronomy among the Arabs] by Professor Nallino is a book that author scrutinized it thoroughly, and Show us how the leading orientalists did their research, and how they persisted in their investigations, how they actually lived in the subject of their specialization, and how they proceeded carefully and deliberately from the simple to the complex in their research. It would scarcely be an exaggeration to say that we can learn the methodology of research from this book.
Cairo university
Orientalism - Eygept
دانشگاه قاهره
خاورشناسی - مصر
Nallino, Carlo Alfonso, 1872-1938 - Arabian Astronomy: its History During the Medieval - Criticism, interpretation, etc.
نالینو، کولر آلفونسو، ۱۹۳۸-۱۸۷۲، - علم الفلک؛ تاریخه عندالعرب فی القرون الوسطی - نقد و تفسیر