Islam and Muslim Life in West Africa: Practices, Trajectories and Influences
Edited by Abdoulaye Sounaye, Andre Chappatte.
De Gruyter
vi, 236 pages : color illustrations
E.Book: 25173
"The book offers an examination of issues, institutions and actors that have become central to Muslim life in the region. Focusing on leadership, authority, law, gender, media, aesthetics, radicalization and cooperation, it offers insights into processes that reshape power structures and the experience of being Muslim. It makes room for perspectives from the region in an academic world shaped by scholarship mostly from Europe and America." -- Page 4 of cover.
Introduction: Islam and Muslim Life in West Africa : Practices, Trajectories and Influences / Abdoulaye Sounaye, Andre Chappatte -- The National Chief Imam of Ghana : Intervention, Collaboration and Contestation / Mohammed Kasim Ameen -- The Modernity of Islam in Burkina Faso : Contrasting Strategies in Two Emergent Movements / Koudbi Kabore -- The ArewaMeToo Movement in Northern Nigeria : a Collusion of Islam, Culture and Modernity / Medinat Malefakis -- Trajectoires radiophoniques de la modernite islamique au Nord-Cameroun (1958-2010) / Francis Arsène Fogue Kuate -- Flaming et pratiques d'irreverence des « musulmans connectes » au Senegal / Djiby Ndiaye -- Les « imams chocos » ou la mutation de la figure de l'autorite religieuse musulmane en Cote d'Ivoire contemporaine / Bourahima Diomande -- Trajectories of Islamic Family Law in Accra : a Perspective on a Malam / Fulera Issaka-Toure -- The Projection of Saudi Arabian Influence in West Africa / Ulrike Freitag -- Turkey's Religious Soft Power in Cote d'Ivoire : Practices and Constraints in Muslim Communities / Issouf Binate.