356. On a Pahlavi Bowl-Inscription by the Late E. W. West /A. V. Williams, Jackson.--357. The New Copus Inscriptionum Iranicarum / H. S. Nyberg.--358. A Translieration and Translatof the Pahlavi Treatise 'Wonders of Sagastan')Sistan( / Edward W. West; A. V. Williams Jackson.--359. Items from the Gathic Pahlavi / L. H. Mils.--360. Production and Trade in an Islamis Context: Sharika Contracts in the Transitional Economy of Northern Samaria, 1853-1943)I( / Ya'akov Firestone.--361. Religion and Politics in the Career of Badi al- Zaman al- Hamadhani / Everett K. Rowson.--362. High Culture and Popular Cultre in Medieval Islam / Boaz Shoshan.--363. Medieval Arabic Tarsh: AForgotten Chapter in the History of Printng / Richard W. Bulliet.--364. TheShaikh Al-Islam and the Evolution of Islamic Society / Richard W. Bulliet.--365. The Islamic City -Historic Myth, Islamic Essence, and Contemporary Relevance / Janet L. Abu-Lughod.--366. The Age Structure of Medieval Islamic Education / Richard W. Bulliet.--367. The Office of Mulla-Bashi in shi'ite Iran / Said Amir Arjomand.--368. The Islamic City: Melaka to Jogiakarta, c.1500-1800 / J. Kathirithamby-Wells.--369. Over-Urbanization and under- Urbanism: The Case of the Arab World / SaadE. M. Ibrahim
#A collection of articles on Iranian and Middle East studies )34(